da Vinci System Module
To da Vinci Prep
By the end of the da Vinci session, the resident will be able to:
  1.  Name and identify the major components of the Xi Da Vinci systems by completing the Xi checklist.
  2. Demonstrate and practice safe docking and instrument exchange of Xi da Vinci system.
  3. Demonstrate basic skills on the surgeon console by practicing exercises on the da Vinci simulator.

You are scrubbed in as the bedside assistant for a da Vinci assisted laparoscopic myomectomy. Your attending asks you to exchange the da Vinci large needle driver for the da Vinci scissors. Upon inserting the da Vinci scissors, you meet resistance but manage to insert the arm anyways. All of a sudden there is noted to be a large amount of bleeding from the internal iliac artery.


Station 1: Introduction to the Surgeon Console  (25min)- 3 residents, 3 faculty 
  • Complete checklist
  • Perform simulator exercises (“Intro to DV”) 
  • If time allows, hysterectomy simulation module

Station 2: Xi Docking 
  • Complete patient cart checklist
  • Drive and dock patient cart
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